
Posts Tagged ‘Best Extra Stout’

Best Extra Stout by Coopers Brewing Limited

A few notes before I get into todays beer, some math.  I have purchased 69 beers and have had 1 given to me as a gift for a total of 70.  I have tasted, including this one, 61, with 9 in reserve for the days ahead.  Total cost for the 70 beers, $328.82.  That is an average of $4.77 a beer.  70 days of beer is just about 20% (19.17% to be exact) of the year.  Take that $328.82 and multiply by 5 and it will cost roughly $1644 for 365 beers.  The most expensive beer was $13.49 and the cheapest was $1.66.  On a side note, I was 159 lbs. when I started 60 beers ago.  Today I weighed in at 162.

Beer #61 is Best Extra Stout by Coopers Brewery Limited.  Coopers is from Australia.  Best Extra Stout is a Foreign/Export Stout with an ABV of 6.30%.  This is my first beer from the Australia…no I have never had a Fosters.

Coopers version of a stout poured black as night with a thin tan head.  Aroma was everything I like in a stout, smoky roasted malts, coffee, and a faint whiff of alcohol.  It tasted just liked it smelled, coffee and malts, maybe just a hint of chocolate.  There was a good deal of carbonation and despite its appearance, it had a body on the light side.  Most people think of stouts as being thick, thick like motor oil.  That type of thinking is so far from the truth, at least with the stouts I have had, that I think it stops them from trying a stout.  I admit I thought like that way back in the beginning of my beer drinking days drinking Coors Light.  Drinkability was high with this beer.  I could have easily enjoyed a few more of these.

What we have here is a solid beer that I think most that enjoy stouts would like.  Good showing from the Land Down Under.  Now give me a Vegemite sandwich!

Rating: B

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